
品质 “赢”领同行

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信息来源于:互联网 发布于:2021-12-24


粘扣带又称魔术贴行业术语称子母扣。是箱包服饰上常用的一种连接辅料。它分公母两面:一面是细软的纤维,另一面是带有勾刺的弹性纤维。公母相扣,在受到一定横力的情况下,富有弹性的勾被拉直,从绒圈上松掉而打开,然后又恢复原有的勾型,如此反复开合可达一万次之多。 产品广泛用于服装、鞋子、帽子、手套、皮包、沙发、车船、座垫、航空用品、雨披、窗帘、玩具、睡袋、体育运动器材、音响器材、医疗器械、帐篷、小轮车护套、各类军工产品、电子电线、充电器、陈列用具等 瑞鸿富科技公司长期与LENOVO、HP MOTOROLA、SAMSUNG、SONY ERICSSON、SIEMENS、LG等相关业务厂商,长期以来并一直与其保持良好稳定的合作关系. 。 
粘扣带又称魔术贴行业术语称子母扣。是箱包服饰上常用的一种连接辅料。它分公母两面:一面是细软的纤维,另一面是带有勾刺的弹性纤维。公母相扣,在受到一定横力的情况下,富有弹性的勾被拉直,从绒圈上松掉而打开,然后又恢复原有的勾型,如此反复开合可达一万次之多。 产品广泛用于服装、鞋子、帽子、手套、皮包、沙发、车船、座垫、航空用品、雨披、窗帘、玩具、睡袋、体育运动器材、音响器材、医疗器械、帐篷、小轮车护套、各类军工产品、电子电线、充电器、陈列用具等 瑞鸿富科技公司长期与LENOVO、HP MOTOROLA、SAMSUNG、SONY ERICSSON、SIEMENS、LG等相关业务厂商,长期以来并一直与其保持良好稳定的合作关系. 。 

魔术贴是由瑞士一名工程师乔治-德-麦斯他勒(1907年——1990年)发明的.一次打猎回来,他发现针尾草粘在自己的衣服上。他用显微镜观察后发现,针尾草的果实有一种勾状结构,可以粘附到织物上. 于是他就想到用勾子固定毛面。






深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司耐高温背胶魔术贴 背胶魔术贴是指在普通魔术贴和特殊魔术贴带子本身的基础上,经过高温背胶热熔机,将胶水熔解在普通魔术贴和特殊魔术贴带子的背面,再贴上一层油性离型纸,就是成品的背胶魔术贴。 1.背胶魔术贴有分普通的热熔胶水,其熔化点较低,适合低温环境和冬季使用,其粘着力一般,持有力也比较一般; 2.另一种是耐高温热熔胶,熔化点较高,适合夏季和一些高温机械上使用,粘着力比较强,粘着后的持有力也比较强; 3.还有一种为背胶产品,即利用胶裁剪成相应规格粘附魔术贴产品背面,属于相对特殊高档的加工产品! 深加工分为几种,最常见的是25米/卷或者50码/卷直接出货的,还有是加工切片,按客户要求切成一定长度的尺寸,再有是冲型,也是按客户要求进行冲型,也有按照复合工艺的背胶方式,类似大家所常见的背靠背等,还有是有些客户要不规则的宽度时就需要用分条,把较宽的材料分条成客户要求的宽度,有一些还需要分条后再加工切片等等深加工。 背胶自粘魔术贴耐热性:在180℃软化,于215℃-220℃开始熔化。魔术贴规格:10mm、16mm、20mm、25mm、30mm、50mm、60mm、80mm、100mm、110mm、130mm等多种规格 公司专业魔术贴背胶加工: 1.背胶自粘魔术贴打样时间:1工作日完成 2.背胶魔术贴后加工内容:分条,切片,冲型,排料,PP袋包装,贴合 3.背胶魔术贴胶水型号:黄胶,普通胶,耐高温胶,防水胶,背贴胶,3M胶等 4.背胶魔术贴应用范围:纸类,塑胶类,五金型等 5.客户可免费拿样 详细介绍 胶水:常温胶(热溶胶)、特粘胶、耐寒胶、耐高温胶等,所提供的胶水均为环保胶水 用途:产品广泛用于服装鞋帽、手套、皮包、沙发、车船、座垫、航空用品、塑胶雨披、窗帘、玩具、 睡袋、体育运动器材、音响器材、医疗器械、帐篷、小轮车护套以及各类军工产品、电子电线、充电 器、陈列用具等。适用于家居设计中无损安装,也就是说采用这个东西,对于你原来物件的表面,完 全是无损的,当你不再需要了,可以用很简单的办法去除掉,不留任何的残渍,也不会损坏你物件的外观。 High temperature adhesive velcro Adhesive Velcro means that on the basis of the ordinary Velcro and the special Velcro strap itself, after the high-temperature adhesive hot melt machine, the glue is melted on the back of the ordinary Velcro and the special Velcro tape, and then a layer of oily is attached. The type of paper is the finished adhesive velcro. 1. The adhesive Velcro has a common hot melt glue, which has a low melting point and is suitable for low temperature environment and winter use. Its adhesive force is general and its holding power is relatively general; 2. The other is high temperature resistant hot melt adhesive with high melting point. It is suitable for summer and some high temperature machinery. It has strong adhesion and strong holding force after sticking. 3. There is also a kind of adhesive product, that is, the back of the velcro product is cut into the corresponding specifications by using the glue, which belongs to the relatively special high-grade processing products! There are several types of deep processing. The most common ones are 25 meters/roll or 50 yards/volume for direct shipment. There are also processing chips, which are cut to a certain length according to customer requirements. For the punching type, there are also the backing method according to the composite process, similar to the back-to-back which is common to everyone, and some customers need to use the striping when the irregular width is required, and the wider material is divided into the width required by the customer. There are some that need to be processed after slicing and then processing. Adhesive self-adhesive Velcro heat resistance: softens at 180 ° C and begins to melt at 215 ° C - 220 ° C. Velcro specifications: 10mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 50mm, 60mm, 80mm, 100mm, 110mm, 130mm and other specifications The company's professional Velcro adhesive processing: 1. Adhesive self-adhesive Velcro proofing time: 1 working day to complete 2. After the adhesive Velcro processing content: slitting, slicing, punching, discharging, PP bag packaging, fitting 3. Adhesive Velcro glue model: yellow plastic, ordinary glue, high temperature resistant glue, waterproof glue, back glue, 3M glue, etc. 4. Adhesive Velcro application range: paper, plastic, hardware, etc. 5. Customers can take samples for free Detailed introduction Glue: normal temperature glue (hot sol), special glue, cold resistant glue, high temperature resistant glue, etc., the glue provided is environmentally friendly glue Uses: Products are widely used in clothing shoes and hats, gloves, leather bags, sofas, vehicles and boats, seat cushions, aviation supplies, plastic ponchos, curtains, toys, Sleeping bags, sports equipment, audio equipment, medical equipment, tents, BMX jackets, and various military products, electronic wires, charging Instruments, display utensils, etc. Suitable for non-destructive installation in home design, that is to say using this thing, for the surface of your original object, finished It's all non-destructive. When you don't need it anymore, you can remove it with a very simple method, leaving no residue, and it will not damage the appearance of your object. 冲型魔术贴 背胶/冲形魔术贴背胶魔术贴可以根据客人所需贴的产品材料来配制相应的胶水,可以冲压成为各种规格和形状,可用作櫈椅脚的保护垫,也可保护高级音像等家用电的支撑,也可用于雨衣、衣服手袋上面,只需簡易地揭開魔術貼背面的離形油紙,即可粘貼於各類型光滑潔淨的物件上,冲形魔术贴特別適用於紙品、PVC 皮、PP、ABS 上,粘貼後 1 小時即可達到 90% 的粘性,方便快捷,冲形魔术贴用途非常广。适用于:文具,电脑用品,家庭用品等不易车缝,不易电压加工之各种产品-专业生产冲形魔术贴不抓毛冲刺魔术贴,提供不抓毛冲刺魔术贴产品图片了解,找不抓毛冲刺魔术贴生产厂家 Punching Velcro Adhesive/punching Velcro Adhesive Velcro can be used to formulate the glue according to the product materials required by the customer. It can be stamped into various specifications and shapes, and can be used as a protective pad for the legs of the stool and protect the advanced audio and video. The support of household electric power can also be used on raincoats and clothes handbags. Simply remove the release oil paper on the back of the Velcro and stick it on all kinds of smooth and clean objects. The punched Velcro is especially suitable for paper. On the product, PVC skin, PP, ABS, 90% of the viscosity can be achieved in 1 hour after pasting. It is convenient and quick, and the punching Velcro is very versatile. Applicable to: stationery, computer supplies, household goods, etc. It is not easy to seam, it is not easy to voltage processing various products - professional production of punching Velcro does not scratch the spur velcro, provide pictures without scratching the velcro product, understand not to catch Wool spur velcro manufacturer 
深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司耐高温背胶魔术贴 背胶魔术贴是指在普通魔术贴和特殊魔术贴带子本身的基础上,经过高温背胶热熔机,将胶水熔解在普通魔术贴和特殊魔术贴带子的背面,再贴上一层油性离型纸,就是成品的背胶魔术贴。 1.背胶魔术贴有分普通的热熔胶水,其熔化点较低,适合低温环境和冬季使用,其粘着力一般,持有力也比较一般; 2.另一种是耐高温热熔胶,熔化点较高,适合夏季和一些高温机械上使用,粘着力比较强,粘着后的持有力也比较强; 3.还有一种为背胶产品,即利用胶裁剪成相应规格粘附魔术贴产品背面,属于相对特殊高档的加工产品! 深加工分为几种,最常见的是25米/卷或者50码/卷直接出货的,还有是加工切片,按客户要求切成一定长度的尺寸,再有是冲型,也是按客户要求进行冲型,也有按照复合工艺的背胶方式,类似大家所常见的背靠背等,还有是有些客户要不规则的宽度时就需要用分条,把较宽的材料分条成客户要求的宽度,有一些还需要分条后再加工切片等等深加工。 背胶自粘魔术贴耐热性:在180℃软化,于215℃-220℃开始熔化。魔术贴规格:10mm、16mm、20mm、25mm、30mm、50mm、60mm、80mm、100mm、110mm、130mm等多种规格 公司专业魔术贴背胶加工: 1.背胶自粘魔术贴打样时间:1工作日完成 2.背胶魔术贴后加工内容:分条,切片,冲型,排料,PP袋包装,贴合 3.背胶魔术贴胶水型号:黄胶,普通胶,耐高温胶,防水胶,背贴胶,3M胶等 4.背胶魔术贴应用范围:纸类,塑胶类,五金型等 5.客户可免费拿样 详细介绍 胶水:常温胶(热溶胶)、特粘胶、耐寒胶、耐高温胶等,所提供的胶水均为环保胶水 用途:产品广泛用于服装鞋帽、手套、皮包、沙发、车船、座垫、航空用品、塑胶雨披、窗帘、玩具、 睡袋、体育运动器材、音响器材、医疗器械、帐篷、小轮车护套以及各类军工产品、电子电线、充电 器、陈列用具等。适用于家居设计中无损安装,也就是说采用这个东西,对于你原来物件的表面,完 全是无损的,当你不再需要了,可以用很简单的办法去除掉,不留任何的残渍,也不会损坏你物件的外观。 High temperature adhesive velcro Adhesive Velcro means that on the basis of the ordinary Velcro and the special Velcro strap itself, after the high-temperature adhesive hot melt machine, the glue is melted on the back of the ordinary Velcro and the special Velcro tape, and then a layer of oily is attached. The type of paper is the finished adhesive velcro. 1. The adhesive Velcro has a common hot melt glue, which has a low melting point and is suitable for low temperature environment and winter use. Its adhesive force is general and its holding power is relatively general; 2. The other is high temperature resistant hot melt adhesive with high melting point. It is suitable for summer and some high temperature machinery. It has strong adhesion and strong holding force after sticking. 3. There is also a kind of adhesive product, that is, the back of the velcro product is cut into the corresponding specifications by using the glue, which belongs to the relatively special high-grade processing products! There are several types of deep processing. The most common ones are 25 meters/roll or 50 yards/volume for direct shipment. There are also processing chips, which are cut to a certain length according to customer requirements. For the punching type, there are also the backing method according to the composite process, similar to the back-to-back which is common to everyone, and some customers need to use the striping when the irregular width is required, and the wider material is divided into the width required by the customer. There are some that need to be processed after slicing and then processing. Adhesive self-adhesive Velcro heat resistance: softens at 180 ° C and begins to melt at 215 ° C - 220 ° C. Velcro specifications: 10mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 50mm, 60mm, 80mm, 100mm, 110mm, 130mm and other specifications The company's professional Velcro adhesive processing: 1. Adhesive self-adhesive Velcro proofing time: 1 working day to complete 2. After the adhesive Velcro processing content: slitting, slicing, punching, discharging, PP bag packaging, fitting 3. Adhesive Velcro glue model: yellow plastic, ordinary glue, high temperature resistant glue, waterproof glue, back glue, 3M glue, etc. 4. Adhesive Velcro application range: paper, plastic, hardware, etc. 5. Customers can take samples for free Detailed introduction Glue: normal temperature glue (hot sol), special glue, cold resistant glue, high temperature resistant glue, etc., the glue provided is environmentally friendly glue Uses: Products are widely used in clothing shoes and hats, gloves, leather bags, sofas, vehicles and boats, seat cushions, aviation supplies, plastic ponchos, curtains, toys, Sleeping bags, sports equipment, audio equipment, medical equipment, tents, BMX jackets, and various military products, electronic wires, charging Instruments, display utensils, etc. Suitable for non-destructive installation in home design, that is to say using this thing, for the surface of your original object, finished It's all non-destructive. When you don't need it anymore, you can remove it with a very simple method, leaving no residue, and it will not damage the appearance of your object. 冲型魔术贴 背胶/冲形魔术贴背胶魔术贴可以根据客人所需贴的产品材料来配制相应的胶水,可以冲压成为各种规格和形状,可用作櫈椅脚的保护垫,也可保护高级音像等家用电的支撑,也可用于雨衣、衣服手袋上面,只需簡易地揭開魔術貼背面的離形油紙,即可粘貼於各類型光滑潔淨的物件上,冲形魔术贴特別適用於紙品、PVC 皮、PP、ABS 上,粘貼後 1 小時即可達到 90% 的粘性,方便快捷,冲形魔术贴用途非常广。适用于:文具,电脑用品,家庭用品等不易车缝,不易电压加工之各种产品-专业生产冲形魔术贴不抓毛冲刺魔术贴,提供不抓毛冲刺魔术贴产品图片了解,找不抓毛冲刺魔术贴生产厂家 Punching Velcro Adhesive/punching Velcro Adhesive Velcro can be used to formulate the glue according to the product materials required by the customer. It can be stamped into various specifications and shapes, and can be used as a protective pad for the legs of the stool and protect the advanced audio and video. The support of household electric power can also be used on raincoats and clothes handbags. Simply remove the release oil paper on the back of the Velcro and stick it on all kinds of smooth and clean objects. The punched Velcro is especially suitable for paper. On the product, PVC skin, PP, ABS, 90% of the viscosity can be achieved in 1 hour after pasting. It is convenient and quick, and the punching Velcro is very versatile. Applicable to: stationery, computer supplies, household goods, etc. It is not easy to seam, it is not easy to voltage processing various products - professional production of punching Velcro does not scratch the spur velcro, provide pictures without scratching the velcro product, understand not to catch Wool spur velcro manufacturer 
深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司耐高温背胶魔术贴 背胶魔术贴是指在普通魔术贴和特殊魔术贴带子本身的基础上,经过高温背胶热熔机,将胶水熔解在普通魔术贴和特殊魔术贴带子的背面,再贴上一层油性离型纸,就是成品的背胶魔术贴。 1.背胶魔术贴有分普通的热熔胶水,其熔化点较低,适合低温环境和冬季使用,其粘着力一般,持有力也比较一般; 2.另一种是耐高温热熔胶,熔化点较高,适合夏季和一些高温机械上使用,粘着力比较强,粘着后的持有力也比较强; 3.还有一种为背胶产品,即利用胶裁剪成相应规格粘附魔术贴产品背面,属于相对特殊高档的加工产品! 深加工分为几种,最常见的是25米/卷或者50码/卷直接出货的,还有是加工切片,按客户要求切成一定长度的尺寸,再有是冲型,也是按客户要求进行冲型,也有按照复合工艺的背胶方式,类似大家所常见的背靠背等,还有是有些客户要不规则的宽度时就需要用分条,把较宽的材料分条成客户要求的宽度,有一些还需要分条后再加工切片等等深加工。 背胶自粘魔术贴耐热性:在180℃软化,于215℃-220℃开始熔化。魔术贴规格:10mm、16mm、20mm、25mm、30mm、50mm、60mm、80mm、100mm、110mm、130mm等多种规格 公司专业魔术贴背胶加工: 1.背胶自粘魔术贴打样时间:1工作日完成 2.背胶魔术贴后加工内容:分条,切片,冲型,排料,PP袋包装,贴合 3.背胶魔术贴胶水型号:黄胶,普通胶,耐高温胶,防水胶,背贴胶,3M胶等 4.背胶魔术贴应用范围:纸类,塑胶类,五金型等 5.客户可免费拿样 详细介绍 胶水:常温胶(热溶胶)、特粘胶、耐寒胶、耐高温胶等,所提供的胶水均为环保胶水 用途:产品广泛用于服装鞋帽、手套、皮包、沙发、车船、座垫、航空用品、塑胶雨披、窗帘、玩具、 睡袋、体育运动器材、音响器材、医疗器械、帐篷、小轮车护套以及各类军工产品、电子电线、充电 器、陈列用具等。适用于家居设计中无损安装,也就是说采用这个东西,对于你原来物件的表面,完 全是无损的,当你不再需要了,可以用很简单的办法去除掉,不留任何的残渍,也不会损坏你物件的外观。 High temperature adhesive velcro Adhesive Velcro means that on the basis of the ordinary Velcro and the special Velcro strap itself, after the high-temperature adhesive hot melt machine, the glue is melted on the back of the ordinary Velcro and the special Velcro tape, and then a layer of oily is attached. The type of paper is the finished adhesive velcro. 1. The adhesive Velcro has a common hot melt glue, which has a low melting point and is suitable for low temperature environment and winter use. Its adhesive force is general and its holding power is relatively general; 2. The other is high temperature resistant hot melt adhesive with high melting point. It is suitable for summer and some high temperature machinery. It has strong adhesion and strong holding force after sticking. 3. There is also a kind of adhesive product, that is, the back of the velcro product is cut into the corresponding specifications by using the glue, which belongs to the relatively special high-grade processing products! There are several types of deep processing. The most common ones are 25 meters/roll or 50 yards/volume for direct shipment. There are also processing chips, which are cut to a certain length according to customer requirements. For the punching type, there are also the backing method according to the composite process, similar to the back-to-back which is common to everyone, and some customers need to use the striping when the irregular width is required, and the wider material is divided into the width required by the customer. There are some that need to be processed after slicing and then processing. Adhesive self-adhesive Velcro heat resistance: softens at 180 ° C and begins to melt at 215 ° C - 220 ° C. Velcro specifications: 10mm, 16mm, 20mm, 25mm, 30mm, 50mm, 60mm, 80mm, 100mm, 110mm, 130mm and other specifications The company's professional Velcro adhesive processing: 1. Adhesive self-adhesive Velcro proofing time: 1 working day to complete 2. After the adhesive Velcro processing content: slitting, slicing, punching, discharging, PP bag packaging, fitting 3. Adhesive Velcro glue model: yellow plastic, ordinary glue, high temperature resistant glue, waterproof glue, back glue, 3M glue, etc. 4. Adhesive Velcro application range: paper, plastic, hardware, etc. 5. Customers can take samples for free Detailed introduction Glue: normal temperature glue (hot sol), special glue, cold resistant glue, high temperature resistant glue, etc., the glue provided is environmentally friendly glue Uses: Products are widely used in clothing shoes and hats, gloves, leather bags, sofas, vehicles and boats, seat cushions, aviation supplies, plastic ponchos, curtains, toys, Sleeping bags, sports equipment, audio equipment, medical equipment, tents, BMX jackets, and various military products, electronic wires, charging Instruments, display utensils, etc. Suitable for non-destructive installation in home design, that is to say using this thing, for the surface of your original object, finished It's all non-destructive. When you don't need it anymore, you can remove it with a very simple method, leaving no residue, and it will not damage the appearance of your object. 冲型魔术贴 背胶/冲形魔术贴背胶魔术贴可以根据客人所需贴的产品材料来配制相应的胶水,可以冲压成为各种规格和形状,可用作櫈椅脚的保护垫,也可保护高级音像等家用电的支撑,也可用于雨衣、衣服手袋上面,只需簡易地揭開魔術貼背面的離形油紙,即可粘貼於各類型光滑潔淨的物件上,冲形魔术贴特別適用於紙品、PVC 皮、PP、ABS 上,粘貼後 1 小時即可達到 90% 的粘性,方便快捷,冲形魔术贴用途非常广。适用于:文具,电脑用品,家庭用品等不易车缝,不易电压加工之各种产品-专业生产冲形魔术贴不抓毛冲刺魔术贴,提供不抓毛冲刺魔术贴产品图片了解,找不抓毛冲刺魔术贴生产厂家 Punching Velcro Adhesive/punching Velcro Adhesive Velcro can be used to formulate the glue according to the product materials required by the customer. It can be stamped into various specifications and shapes, and can be used as a protective pad for the legs of the stool and protect the advanced audio and video. The support of household electric power can also be used on raincoats and clothes handbags. Simply remove the release oil paper on the back of the Velcro and stick it on all kinds of smooth and clean objects. The punched Velcro is especially suitable for paper. On the product, PVC skin, PP, ABS, 90% of the viscosity can be achieved in 1 hour after pasting. It is convenient and quick, and the punching Velcro is very versatile. Applicable to: stationery, computer supplies, household goods, etc. It is not easy to seam, it is not easy to voltage processing various products - professional production of punching Velcro does not scratch the spur velcro, provide pictures without scratching the velcro product, understand not to catch Wool spur velcro manufacturer 

魔术贴的使用方法有哪些呢?其实要真说起来,那还是蛮多的, 魔术贴不仅仅是用于服装上的车缝辅料,还可以做成扎带、绑带、背胶,背胶只需轻轻撕开表面的一层油性离型纸即可,背胶魔术贴属于一种粘性产品,而对于粘性上面,它基本上可以黏贴所有产品,而对于生活用品上面,使用它是再合适不过了。对于粘性上面,只要粘住了,除非用很大的力气,一般都不会掉下来。而扎带,绑带一般多用于家居中的电线电缆,数据线的捆绑,便于整理线路的缠绕,简单易用,还可循环使用。

深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司魔术贴扎带厂家 产品介绍:背对背型魔术贴(粘扣带)/ 魔术贴绑线带特性及用途:采用进口胶将魔术贴毛面与勾面(A+B),进行复合,使毛勾不在同一面上。用在电线电缆、光纤光缆、玩具、电子电器等。也可按客人要求设计样式.或供应原材料,自行裁切。还可印刷公司LOGO、网址及广告促销信息等。 材质: 1、粘扣布背对塑胶勾 2、粘扣布背对普通勾 3、普通毛背对普通勾 4、粘扣布背对蘑菇勾 5、不抓毛背普通勾等; 尺寸:规格有多种,按客要求生产不同规格长度,如有需要,可来电索样。颜色:现有颜色为黑、白、红、黄、蓝、绿等色,特殊颜色量量大可订做.环保:本产品依据《进出口染色纺织品和皮革制品中禁用偶氮染料的检验方法》标准进行检测。不含偶氮及其它23种有害物质。符合欧洲ROHS标准。-专业生产魔术贴捆绑带,提供魔术贴捆绑带产品图片了解,魔术贴捆绑带生产厂家 
深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司魔术贴扎带厂家 产品介绍:背对背型魔术贴(粘扣带)/ 魔术贴绑线带特性及用途:采用进口胶将魔术贴毛面与勾面(A+B),进行复合,使毛勾不在同一面上。用在电线电缆、光纤光缆、玩具、电子电器等。也可按客人要求设计样式.或供应原材料,自行裁切。还可印刷公司LOGO、网址及广告促销信息等。 材质: 1、粘扣布背对塑胶勾 2、粘扣布背对普通勾 3、普通毛背对普通勾 4、粘扣布背对蘑菇勾 5、不抓毛背普通勾等; 尺寸:规格有多种,按客要求生产不同规格长度,如有需要,可来电索样。颜色:现有颜色为黑、白、红、黄、蓝、绿等色,特殊颜色量量大可订做.环保:本产品依据《进出口染色纺织品和皮革制品中禁用偶氮染料的检验方法》标准进行检测。不含偶氮及其它23种有害物质。符合欧洲ROHS标准。-专业生产魔术贴捆绑带,提供魔术贴捆绑带产品图片了解,魔术贴捆绑带生产厂家 
深圳市瑞鸿富科技有限公司魔术贴扎带厂家 产品介绍:背对背型魔术贴(粘扣带)/ 魔术贴绑线带特性及用途:采用进口胶将魔术贴毛面与勾面(A+B),进行复合,使毛勾不在同一面上。用在电线电缆、光纤光缆、玩具、电子电器等。也可按客人要求设计样式.或供应原材料,自行裁切。还可印刷公司LOGO、网址及广告促销信息等。 材质: 1、粘扣布背对塑胶勾 2、粘扣布背对普通勾 3、普通毛背对普通勾 4、粘扣布背对蘑菇勾 5、不抓毛背普通勾等; 尺寸:规格有多种,按客要求生产不同规格长度,如有需要,可来电索样。颜色:现有颜色为黑、白、红、黄、蓝、绿等色,特殊颜色量量大可订做.环保:本产品依据《进出口染色纺织品和皮革制品中禁用偶氮染料的检验方法》标准进行检测。不含偶氮及其它23种有害物质。符合欧洲ROHS标准。-专业生产魔术贴捆绑带,提供魔术贴捆绑带产品图片了解,魔术贴捆绑带生产厂家 
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