
品质 “赢”领同行

全国服务热线138-0256-2274 (余先生)

信息来源于:互联网 发布于:2021-12-24


Adhesive Velcro means that on the basis of ordinary Velcro and special Velcro tape itself, the glue is melted on the back of the ordinary Velcro and special Velcro tape through a high-temperature adhesive hot melt machine, and then a layer of oily release is applied. The paper is the finished adhesive Velcro. Adhesive Velcro has a variety of glue moisture, and different products use different glues. So how can the small adhesive Velcro distinguish whether the glue is sticky or not?
Adhesive Velcro
     1. The method of application: the convenience and practicality of the adhesive Velcro make many people ignore it at the moment of application. The moment of unlocking is not gradual, but abnormally fast, and the product will be affected by more times. The hook surface and the rough surface of the velcro have been damaged. If the rough surface of the Velcro has been torn off several times, it is really broken. Otherwise, the product with a larger weight scale is placed on it, which is sure It is impossible.
     2. Application situation: Adhesive Velcro has a very large adaptability to the application situation, but when faced with some specific situations, there will be no consequences. There are a lot of dust or corrosive liquids. These It will have a bad influence on the Velcro. Dust will make the glue of the product non-sticky, and it will be very easy to fall off. The corrosive liquid will destroy the webbing of the product, so it will break at the moment of application.
     3. Material made: In the final analysis, the quality of the Velcro is fundamental. A good quality Velcro will have a long application life. As usual, the material used when making adhesive Velcro is nylon. This quality is exceptionally environmentally friendly. Any harmful substances, this is the job of the merchants. However, there are many merchants on the market that sell the adhesive Velcro tapes. The quality of the adhesive Velcro is not satisfactory. This requires us to be aware of what we are buying, otherwise it will be in the application process. It's not good if you encounter problems.
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